L’amour est le lien qui unit parfaitement. THE CONCEPT IN ONE SENTENCE & IMAGE. Softness in colour palette meets grounding black elements in style. ROMANTIC & BOLD.
Read this post by taking a little pause to become beautifully rooted in inspiration. Take the truth deep in your heart.
The visualisation: A little loneliness early in the morning time, a sweet moment of BEING IN LOVE. Like a rose quartz, my life is art.
To design a life with a touch of every unique moment. Like the air through the opened window- starting to dance together with diffusers & incenses. FRAGRANCE IS ONE OF THE MAIN ELEMENTS THAT GIVES THE ESSENTIAL FEELING & CHARACTER FOR A HOME. The same as BLACK. & the unique mix of perfumes.
I AM THE ONE who INVENTED VALUE even to the little things IN MY LIFE. Through the feeling I give to them, stories, atmosphere.
~This is my little Paris.~

But first, a loving & sensual touch of LANCÔME.
This apartment has a sweet but elegant charisma of an atmosphere that is more about feeling rather than too much of ‘that scandinavian professional touch’. The wooden floor squeaks and is not in the level a bit, but it’s charming. I think of these nuances in my home as of a beautiful opportunity, not a problem. Like something beautiful what creates my life.
Living in love & living beautifully has a deep meaning for me of giving the value for things. Like to my tiny la tour Eiffel. SENSITIVE BIRD is for those who admire true & deep values in life.
Être [TO BE] harmoniously in this Renaissance-inspired modern DETAILED & ARTISTIC LIVING\DRESSING ROOM meant for true living.

perfume- LANCÔME Idôle
white genuine alabaster tray with decorative birds- hand carved [made in Italy]
pink wooden tray- hand-crafted, a beautiful gift from my friend
wooden clothes rack- ZARA HOME
sewing machine Singer– from my great grandmother
vase in light blue- ZARA HOME
gold coloured leaf decor- ZARA HOME
marble oval-shaped jewellery tray- H&M Home
black marble tray by H&M Home
little Eiffel Tower- the one I bought 9 years ago. Now it got a little bit broken, but still how beautiful the feeling is that it gives to me.
My own collection of things.
photos by me.